Frequently asked questions.

Can a Tea Ceremony experience be at a destination other than in California? Yes. Feel free to email with any specific questions. Tea experiences have been led for bachelorette parties, birthday celebrations, showers, corporate events, fundraisers, & more!

Do you offer private group tea ceremonies/experiences? Yes. The individual hosting the space is free if they get 5 or more people to join.

Is this a traditional tea ceremony? No. Refer to next question for more info.

How do ‘Resonating Earth’ tea ceremonies differ from traditional tea ceremonies? The teas served are from medicinal herbs. All are organic and free of caffeine. Three different plants are served at each tea ceremony and are prepared as overnight infusions. The experience is guided with prompts, guided visualization, and ambient music. Education about each plant and its medicinal uses/benefits is shared. Guests are also welcome to optionally share about their experience with each plant. After the ceremonial portion of the experience, participants shift gears and enjoy a tea blending workshop where everyone creates their own herbal tea blends to take home.

Can a Tea Ceremony experience be made custom to the individual/group? Yes. All privately booked tea ceremonies can be custom created including what herbs are chosen for drinking as tea. If you are not familiarized enough with the herbs themselves, we can customize the experience for what your mind, body, & soul is desiring.

Do you serve the same herbal teas at every Tea Ceremony experience? No. For private tea ceremonies the host chooses what kind of herbs they would like to have during the ceremony. For public tea ceremonies, the herbs used depend on if there is a theme for the event. If you have attended a tea ceremony in the past and are interested in attending another one, feel free to let me know which event you were at so I can ensure you have new herbs.

What is the difference between a public and a private tea ceremony? The overall experience is the same. However, at a private tea ceremony most of the attendees know each other. I also allow for the host to pick and choose what kind of herbs they want served for the ceremony. There are also some other additional enhancements for private experiences.

Does a Tea Ceremony involve psychedelics?
No. Plants used are considered herbs or medicinal weeds. Although some can bring you into higher states of consciousness. None involve a psychedelic experience.

Are all herbs used in a tea ceremony experiences safe to use if on medication, pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a health condition? It is recommended that you consult with your Physician first. If you wish to attend a public tea ceremony you can feel free to email about which herbs will be served ahead of time to inform your doctor. Tea Ceremonies are not meant to treat, cure, or diagnose any ailments.

How much tea is served? Each individual drinks 6 oz, of 3 different herbal teas during the ceremony. Any tea left over after the ceremony can be drank while participants are creating their tea blends to take home.

Are the teas organic? Yes.

Are the teas blended? No. All teas served are considered ‘simples,’ meaning it is the individual plant only.

How are the teas prepared? All of the teas are made as overnight infusions. This means they have steeped for at least 6 hours prior to the experience.

Are the teas sweetened with anything? No. The teas served are pure plant medicine.

What kinds of herbs are served at a tea ceremony? It depends if the experience is private or public. For most first time & public tea ceremonies Nourishing Herbs are served since they tend to be the safest and are foundational. However, for custom or themed experiences any combination is possible. I.E. Consciousness Shifting Herbs, Heart Opening, Herbs for Anxiety etc.

Is a tea ceremony for women and men?  Yes. Tea ceremonies are open to all genders, races, and ethnicities.

Can youth under 18yrs old attend?  Yes, but please inquire first.

Are you sitting the whole 2 hours?  No. Participants sit for the first hour or so and then move around when creating their tea blends.

Is the tea ceremony in silence? No. The ceremony is guided with music, prompts, &/or guided visualization.

Are the teas caffeinated?  No.  

Are the teas organic?  Yes.

Do you do private tea ceremonies?  Yes. A tea ceremony experience can be for any sort of occasion or corporate bonding.

What is the minimum amount of people for a tea ceremony?  1

What is the maximum amount of people for a tea ceremony?  The max I have facilitated thus far is 20 people. I am open to discussing a larger tea ceremony.

Is a tea ceremony safe for pregnant women or those trying to become pregnant? It is advised to consult with your doctor first. If you wish to attend a public tea ceremony you can feel free to email about which herbs will be served ahead of time to inform your doctor.

Is a tea ceremony safe for someone on medication/s? It is advised to consult with your doctor first. If you wish to attend a public tea ceremony you can feel free to email about which herbs will be served ahead of time to inform your doctor.