Meet Marguerite

Earth & Energy Practitioner

Having spent her childhood and formative years exploring the woodlands, meadows, and gardens of Long Island, NY, Marguerite developed an early, heartfelt passion for the natural world.  As an adult, she nurtured and transferred this passion into her professional life.  Upon graduating from Parson’s School of Design in NYC, she set off for a year on a work-holiday visa in New Zealand.  It was in New Zealand – amidst the organic farms, local vineyards, and verdant plains and mountains — that Marguerite realized she wanted to dedicate her life and work to Mother Earth and the natural world.  

In the years since, Marguerite has worked as an Urban Farmer, Garden Director, Outdoor Environmental Educator, & School Garden Teacher.  Many of these endeavors have involved teaching youth and adults about the healing benefits and organic or biodynamic techniques of growing herbs and edible plants. In 2016 she was also selected as one of five inspirational women to represent the earth friendly brand ‘Alba Botanica,’ in their “Women Doing Good: Do Good, Do Beautiful” campaign.  With training in aspects of creating school gardens and permaculture design — and as a certified Master Gardener and Reiki Master — she has turned her talents to more deeply exploring the spiritual aspects of plant medicine, as well as the role of negative and positive energies on properties and land. Having completed courses in both herbal medicine and geomancy in 2019, Marguerite infuses her work with a more attuned understanding of the energetic properties of plants and the Earth, and their benefits to human well-being, while also taking into consideration the role humans play in fostering a relationship with Nature.

With an eternal commitment to helping people in her community, and the world at large, Marguerite is thrilled to share her knowledge, passion, and skills with others eager to embrace the energy and beauty of Nature’s bounty around us.   


MARGUERITE’S WHY :: Marguerite’s work is dedicated to fostering a deep connection between individuals and the natural world, with tea as the central bridge in all her offerings. Through her unique approach, Marguerite guides people to reconnect with themselves, creating a harmonious balance between inner reflection and the natural rhythms of the Earth. Whether it’s through guided plant meditation immersions, Reiki, connecting to land, sacred space creation, or personalized tea blends, Marguerite’s work invites individuals to slow down, ground, embrace mindfulness, and experience the profound healing and wisdom that Nature offers. Her mission is to help people find peace and clarity within themselves while cultivating a lasting bond with the world around them, all through the simple yet profound experience of tea.
